Michele's Blog

Friday, February 03, 2006

$1 million bucks to OHSU for MS research. Nice.

This story from Oregon Health Sciences University is amazing. It bolsters my faith in humanity. Basically, a guy in Portland gave a million dollars to OHSU for MS research. His daughter Laura has MS, and I love her comment:

"I'm convinced that MS can be cured in my lifetime," she said, "but only if scientists have the freedom to pursue their most creative ideas. The way research is funded today, that freedom has to come in the form of community support. If the public knew how close they really are to discovering better treatments - even cures - at OHSU, I know they would be lining up to pitch in."

I hope so.

I went to the gym three times this week. I cannot believe how far I've fallen behind in just 2 1/2 months! Whoa. Resting heart rate used to be 59... now it's 100. Used to do 4.8 miles in 40 minutes... can't even do half that. I'll have to work on it all.

More happy-happy joy-joy news: I got the definitive report back on my neuropsychiatric evaluation. I'm in the 97th percentile for overall intelligence and above the 99th for memory. : D I love it. It felt like I had given my diagnosis the finger. So yeah... I still have MS, BUT... even so, I'm not suffering from the incurable condition of stupidity. Yet.

Of course the bad news on the evaluation was that I'm "depressed". (Ya think? Lol...)

Todd is at the hospital doing hearts today. Bayley went roller skating with her school. Eric is in a new preschool that I adore.

And the sun is out. I should go trim those roses in the front.

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
--Lewis Carroll, "Jabberwocky"


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