Michele's Blog

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Rebif? Not Yet!

I was supposed to start my Rebif today. Got the meds delivered this afternoon & everything! I'm nervous but excited, too. Nervous because of the side effects, excited because this drug could possibly slow the progress of my disease.

Buuuuuut... I didn't start today because my husband is very sick. Seems like he has the flu. He went to work at 8:00 this morning, feelin' fine, but by 10:00 he had a fever, chills, and was aching all over. He came home this afternoon and he looked bad. I haven't seen him this sick in years! The last time he called in "sick" to work was 1999.

So I decided to put off the Rebif thing for a few more days... one of the major effects of Rebif is flu-like symptoms. We can't have BOTH of us down & out, who would take care of the kids? My daughter could make her own way, but my son needs at least one of us to be functional.

I'm worried I'll get the flu now. This scares me. Flu makes MS much worse, and I also just finished with a course of IV Solumedrol last month w/a prednisone taper. *sigh* We all need a vacation or something, don't we? Lol.

I went to physical therapy today. I hope it helps me eventually, but I just don't know. My vertigo is pretty bad, and I'm feeling like it's permanent now. I also went to "mental" therapy today, and I do think that helps. I started this therapy about a month ago, because I figured that I needed someone with a clear & professional perspective to help me sort things out. She's been great. She helps me organize, prioritize, etc. More on that later. Time for bed!


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